Monday, October 13, 2008

The intent was....

Who in the world knows!!

No good explanation for all these 1/2 square triangles in flannel. Hmmm must have been a girl baby blanket in the works at one point-cannot remember who the poor little girl was/is that is now without a homemade quilt. I hope that I was able to purchase something as meaningful.

The new plan is to finish the pinwheels which was not the intended pattern-in the bag with this plethora of flannel was a Quilter's Cache printout of a butter fly. What was I thinking-all these blocks all that hand embroidery!! Once finished I think I will keep it for myself. It is pink so I wont have to worry about Zach or the hubby taking it-almost guarantees that where ever I put it down it where it will be when I go to retrieve it the next time. Plus Zach has a moon blanket that is a flannel top and a flannel backing that is tied together and I love that blanket but it is too short to cover chin to under toe. Can't you just imagine the toasty-ness as you read?!!

The Joann Fabric BOM has found a home-in the family room on the spare bed. It looks cute. Zach refers to this as his "TV Room"-"The Man Cave". It houses a TV the PS2, the Wii and his toys. If I could only convince hubby to relocate the PS3 down there-then the 69" TV would be all mine!!! Yeah I don't think it is possible either but I can dream.

Connecting Threads has their books 40% off so I have been wanting the Victory Quilts book for a bit now purely because of it's theme. I ordered it last week and still have not had it arrive. I checked to make sure it had been sent and also to make sure I used the right address-yup and yup. So the delay is the it come tomorrow when I will have no time to pour over and savor the pages of Eleanor's creativity. Also Cre8tive Quilter ( mentioned doing a virtual something with a pattern from the book. Even better-incentive to complete. A little competition never hurt anyone.

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