Saturday in Central PA saw nice, warmer, blue sky weather-finally above the teens-although I guess Friday was too but with the Migraine I never noticed being passed out from pain. So I had to meet a friend in Mifflinburg (11AM) to pick up my Pampered Chef order (love the stuff-can't believe there is anything I don't have) and for anyone who knows the area you can't go to Mifflinburg and not swing over to see Verna! The bad part is 1/2 was to Verna's I remembered I had no checkbook nor cash-so a right I took thinking I could take another right and end up back on main would have thought. 20 minutes later I find an ATM and start again.
Verna's was PACKED!! Holy Cow-I have never not been able to park in her parking lot-we parked on the street I was crazy. Poor Zachary set foot inside saw all the ladies and decided that he would wait in the car. My mission at Verna's was to pick up a backing for a quilt I need to do-I had heard that she sold backings cut in one piece-no seams! Now they are either white, cream or black so if you want a fancy fabric it is not for you but if you just want a utilitarian back this will work. Of course that was not all I bought-I got the chalk pounce, a refill and the neatest purple flowered fabric. I am NOT a fan of purple but I thought this would look striking with white-just the 2 colors.
I do have share that Zach did come back in to see how much longer I was going to be and to tell me that he had to Potty-Verna heard him and directed him to the "outhouse" - yup you heard it an OUTHOUSE! Zach asked what that was an I explained it was like the "blue potties" so off he went....when I go to the car he informed me that was the smelliest outhouse ever and next time he would hold it! I was contemplating using it but decided not to....
After Verna's we headed to Muncy to a Ben Franklin's. I had no idea this store existed! Friday night after clawing my way out of the migraine pain, and because I had slept 5 hours during the day and couldn't sleep, I was go online and looked for the wooden "plate" that fits on Grace and you use with the stylus. I found the "Popcorn" one I wanted and noticed it was being shipped from Muncy PA-ah why pay $20 shipping when I can drive up there. So that is how I found the Ben Franklin in Muncy-well Clarkstown actually. They had the plate in stock -hurray! I ALSO found the paper doll fabric and learned that in March they will have the completer pieces! I have been scouring the Internet for a place to buy these fabrics and just didn't want to pay 3 different places shipping. I am now the owner of 1.5 yds of the dolls and anxiously awaiting March to purchase the rest-PLUS if you bought more than a yard it was 25% off!!
From there we found a bathroom and some snacks (1:30) and headed to Our Gathering Place in Montoursville. Zach informed me last week the following: "Mom I need a quilt that fits" "What do you mean a quilt that fits" "LOOK!!" He pulls his bugging quilt up to his shoulders and points out that his toes stick out "I can't lay flat and be covered-STOP laughing at ME!" "Sorry Zach, I am not laughing at you, I am laughing at your toes sticking out" "UGH-never mind!!" I had set aside a pattern in a magazine that I thought
would be easy to do for my nephew Seth who would like a quilt. I pulled it out and new that OGP had some cool dinosaurs fabric that he would like-yup he did. I also found a black fabric with a cream design on it-I want to do a dramatic black and cream with twisting ribbons.
I finally stopped and fed Zach-hit WalMart for groceries, by passed the craft department at Zach's instruction because I had looked at that ALL DAY! and home we headed. All in all a good day-cool to spend it with my kid.
Oh yeah I got Todd and Summer's 5 yr old wedding gift loaded on is a start!
1 comment:
Sounds like you have been busy! Hope those migranes subside, they made it hard to get anything done! and it looks like you will be working on a much bigger quilt for your son.
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