I couldn't do it-I could not sit here and study while my beloved machine,
Gracie and hundreds (almost) of projects screamed my name-so I compromised. An hour of studying and a +80 on the practice test got me 30 minutes of studying. There are 6 modules so I could potentially earn 3 hours of sewing-well
jeese I should have given myself that challenge since Thanksgiving when the studying started! I got my 3 hours!! No strings this time around-I could sew whatever I wanted-what to pick? I could have finished any number of items but instead I chose a new project from my local quilt shop: Our Gathering Place. It is a table runner of the prettiest ice green colors I have ever seen and oh so simple-4
columns and 12 rows of 3 1/2 squares with appliqued snowflakes. It will look nice in our neutral toned living room. As I was waiting for my iron to heat up (have I mentioned that I HATE this iron!) I traced my pattern pieces for my stained glass-
esque piece that I have vowed to finish in 2009. I multi-tasked!

I am showing my Mom's Christmas gift in this post-she has requested Fall Theme wall hanging for her office. This is from the Quick Quilts magazine and all is from my stash except for the olive greens. The picture does not do it justice-I am quite impressed with how this turned out and love how it looks hanging from my banister-hmmmm I wonder if she will miss it-maybe she will forget I made it for her. ;)
I stippled this in the ivory parts by "floating" it on the backing and batting on Grace. HOW AWESOME! Shoot-I had it quilted in an evening-just back and forth-no twisting and maneuvering, stopping and starting. Grace earned her keep that night!
Ok-back to watching my recorded inauguration speech. I am proud of our country today-I hope this is the beginning of the end of an era and the end of a simple minded belief that one is greater than the other.

1 comment:
I love the wall hanging! I did one myself and just so please with it!
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