So as you may have read earlier the Pre-sew process was trace, cut, iron, cut again, place and iron again. Whew-I was bored at that point. Little did I know it would get WORSE! After you iron all the shapes on the background you have to outline ALL the pieces with the fusible bias tape-yeah all freaking 108 pieces! Not even the worst part-after fusing the bias tape you have to EDGE Stitch it along both sides! I have literally used an entire spool of black thread on the bias tape alone! So what started out as enthusiasm faded to boredom has now settled into talking myself into NOT relegating the darn thing to the UFO pile! I am down to the final 2 strips of
horizontal bias binding. I like it and think it turned out really neat. I will however NEVER be doing another stained glass'esque anything AGAIN!
It will be a little bit before I can load it on the frame to quilt it because I need to piece my Miniature Booty Swap III quilt before I tie the machine up on the frame.
Interesting blog as for me. It would be great to read more concerning that matter. Thank you for posting that information.
Joan Stepsen
Home gadgets
(lol) I' lmk almost afraid of that!!!
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