Monday, November 16, 2009


They all got here on Saturday!!  I was into that package quicker than ice melting in July!!  They are beautiful and range from light light to light tan.  Thank you so much swap partners!!

This is my first attempt at something scrappy.  I have been quilting for about 15 years now and have NEVER done anything like this-I can't even see the architect of a block if it is shown as scrappy-I have a scrappy mental block.  Yesterday I was putting together the reds and had to stop myself from trying to group them, make a pattern, sort, organize....UGH!!  It is funny now but was not funny yesterday!  Then to top it all off-I decided to make the quilt bigger so that I can use it on my bed.  I suppose I am into self punishment on this one!

I think I will be doing the 1/2 square triangles using triangle paper.  I figure the paper will cover the fabric and I won't be able to see the scrappy, the lack of rhyme or reason.....  ;)

Love seeing the progress on the other blogs!

1 comment:

Zannah said...

Glad to hear the fabrics got there - and keep putting up some pictures!!!!