Saturday I dragged my husband and son to an auction that was to benefit the local Amish schools.
We drove over Friday night to make sure we knew where we were going because I had heard that if we didn't get there at 7AM (Un-natural on a Saturday) we would be parking in Timbuktu and with the husbands fake knee that is not good and does not help my case to him being there with me. So we got that figured out and just seeing all the stuff was amazing! So we get home and the hubby decides to start a batch of home brew- a 4 hours process! I went to bed without him at 11 and have no idea when he was done.
So we did not arrive at 7AM as I had wanted-8:30! I didn't complain because I knew how lucky I was to have him there at all. We wandered around and were amazed at all the stuff! It ranged from normal trash to treasure stuff, to homemade furniture, farm animals, quilts, crafts and bedding plants. It was awesome.
Zach and I checked out the quilts and he was amazed at their desks! The desk was the back of the chair-how neat he thought. The quilts were amazing and to think they were completely hand done! To me that is amazing because the only hand done on anything of mine is the binding.
The hubby and I discussed that we would bid on one big enough for our bed (king) and in a design that I would never do-Applique or curved piecing (I know my limits) yet we had a $300 limit. We have a big vacation coming in July and are headed to our parents Memorial Day weekend.
So there were some awesome ones that we tried for but they were going for $400+ oh well. I was able to get this neat wall hanging for $50-it is about 52" square and I liked the colors although it is really pink. I also got at table runner in a wedding ring design that has yet to make it in front of the camera.
I was successful in adding the borders to my Miniature Booty quilt and now just need to decide how to quilt it-traditional like the pattern or modern like the fabrics....hmmmm.
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