Sunday, April 13, 2008

Yesterday was supposed to have been scattered showers so instead of being stuck inside we planned a day trip to Philadelphia. 9AM on a beautiful blue sky morning with the portable DVD player and a sitter for the dog we headed to Philly. We never had one rain drop. I am not complaining because it was a beautiful day with the blooming trees and flowers.
We visited a few of our favorite places: Conshohocken Italian Bakery, Trader Joe's and of course IKEA-my favorite. If they carried fabric I would never leave!! My husband is NOT a fan of IKEA but he was so tolerant of my looking at everything and the child was allowed to drive the cart so he could have cared less. A while back I had bought the child these square containers with wheels and lids that could stack on each other. They have been great for LEGO'S-he can wheel them from room to room versus carrying something-8 year old boys are not known for their grace or balance. After Christmas and his birthday the LEGO'S have outgrown the container and a new one was in order-the purpose of the trip. No worries that was not all that I found! I have been buying spices in plastic flat containers that take up a lot or room in my cupboard so I found some "spice" jars. We have been talking about a new knife set but just haven't gotten around to researching it so IKEA had 4 in a block for $4-what the hay-if they only cut paper it was a good deal!! That was not all but those were my favorites!
The next stop was Trader Joe's. We are not organic, wholesome food eaters as a practice-we enjoy our hot dogs, hamburgers, fries and such. We visit Trader Joe's for the unique products that we cannot get anywhere else. We love their grilled veggies with balsamic butter. This trip found White Balsamic Vinegar, artichoke ravioli and a Gorgonzola raspberry salad dressing in our cart. The child decide he could not live without sushi for one more minute so he opted for 2 packs of veggie rolls. Yup-the 8yro loves his sushi and he is willing to try different ones-not me, I am stuck on veggie or California.
So that was our scattered shower day-shopping in mid 70 weather. Sadly we did not visit a fabric store-when I persuade the hubby to visit IKEA I cannot push the limit to include fabric too....

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